FAQ - cooperation with tested institutions and first-rate physicians in Czech republic

On the basis of the patients’ enquiries, we have prepared answers to the most frequent questions. If you have any further questions which are not contained below, please do not hesitate to contact us on call@czmedical.com.

  • Question 1
    Why should I undergo an operation in the Czech Republic?
    The Czech Republic offers  a very high standard of medical care which fully matches the quality delivered in the developed countries of western Europe, all this for prices kept down at 70% of the costs.
  • Question 2
    Why should I undergo an operation with Czech Medical Tours?
    Czech Medical Tours arranges for medical care in a wide range of medical fields, even for the most complicated diagnoses. We cooperate with the best specialists and physicians in Prague and Karlovy Vary. Czech Medical Tours is also the only agency in the Czech Republic to offer its clients medical consultations by a second physician (second opinion). 
  • Question 3
    What quality guarantee do I have as regards the operation?
    We cooperate with tried and tested institutions and first-rate physicians only. All operations are performed lege artis – i.e. in compliance with the latest information and knowledge of medical science. All our partners have international medical accreditation or, in case of the hospitals, official accreditation by the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic. 
  • Question 4
    What happens if the surgeon finds out before the operation that I cannot go through with it?
    Of course this situation is dealt with in the cancellation conditions. 
  • Question 5
    Who will take care of me if there are any complications after the operation?
    The post-operative medical services are provided by the hospital in which the operation took place or, alternatively, by CMT general physician or ambulant specialist on the basis of a contract.
  • Question 6
    What deposit do I have to pay before the arrival?
    After the operation is confirmed, you will pay to our account the refundable fee of EUR 300. After that, CMT will send you the agreements and arrange the terms, and then you will pay 50% of the price of the procedure.
  • Question 7
    How can I pay for the procedure?
    You can pay for the procedure by card, by bank transfer or in cash at our reception upon arrival.
  • Question 8
    What if I am not satisfied after the operation?
    We guarantee from the beginning that the operation will be performed in the right way. We guarantee the quality of our physicians and medical facilities. Risks which are beyond our control are another matter. However, we will always ensure that you have the best possible care, including the post-operative care.