IVF – in vitro fertilization

IVF - in vitro fertilization - is a complex procedure in which germ cells (eggs and sperms) are used. An egg is fertilised by sperm outside the patient´s body, thus it is in vitro fertilization.

The whole procedure has several phases. In the first phase, the hormonal preparation is important; the goal of this phase is to mature larger quantity of eggs. Then, in the second phase, which is the transfer of eggs from ovaries to a special cultivation medium, sperms are transferred there as well. The third phase is a process of fertilization in which the cultivation takes place. At this stage, the whole process has a natural course without outside intervention. Fertilized eggs (embryos) are then transferred back to the patient's uterus.

IVF – donation of oocytes

Method of donation of an egg – oocyte – is deemed to be very successful even in women who were diagnosed with irredeemable sterility.

Donation of an egg is suitable for women who have problems with correct production of their own eggs, or for women with genetic disorders if there exists a risk that their children could inherit such disorders.

Donators of eggs are women who themselves undergo IVF procedure (as they have a large quantity of their own eggs), or women who undergo the stimulation only for the purpose of donation. Embryos which are from such eggs may be transferred fresh and frozen, so called cryoconserved.

The success of the treatment varies around 55 to 60%. In the Czech Republic, the specialists with significant experience treat infertility.

Donation of sperms

Regarding the donation of sperms, the infertility clinic has its own sperm bank. In this bank, there are kept frozen samples of only thoroughly tested, voluntary, anonymous and healthy donors.